+Furor Teutonicus+

Bigger, Better, Brighter

22.02 - 23.02 2025

Uechtingstraße 79, 45881 Gelsenkirchen

Welcome to Furor Teutonicus, your big Infinity tournament in the heart of the Ruhr area. We look forward to seeing you in February 2025 for a weekend full of Infinity and fun. A new Ruhrpott location with more space and 64 participants awaits you.
Here you will find all registration information, tournament information, address, travel information, hotel suggestions and contact options.
Update 19.09.2024: We are excited to announce that Furor Teutonicus is one of four official ITS Season 16 satellite tournaments taking place in Germany.

Update 12.10.2024: Check your emails for the first round of invitations. If you didn't get a spot, don't lose hope, you are on the waiting list!
Players who have already paid will be listed in the OTM


Registration is officially closed, but if you would still like a place on the waiting list, please contact us at the following e-mail address with the subject: late registration



Tournament information:

Ruleset: ITS16.2, 300 points, 6 SWC, 5 rounds
Two Infinity Army conform lists must be submitted to OTM by 17.02.2025!
We will use the Rules Clarifications used in the Infinity Global League. Find it here!

Saturday 22.02.2025
08:30 Terrain Setup & Check In
10:00 Briefing Day 1
10:10 Round 1: Capture & Protect
12:30 Lunch Break
13:30 Round 2: Unmasking
15:50 Break
16:10 Round 3: Countermeasures
18:30 End Round 3
18:45 Evening Program
Sunday 23.02.2025
08:00 Coffee Warmup
08:30 Infinity Yoga
09:00 Briefing Day 2
09:10 Round 4: Supremacy
11:30 Brake
12:15 Round 5: Frontline
14:35 End Round 5
15:15 End Ceremony

We reserve the right to change the schedule.

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