+Furor Teutonicus+
Bigger, Better, Brighter
22.02 - 23.02 2025
Uechtingstraße 79, 45881 Gelsenkirchen
Welcome to Furor Teutonicus, your big Infinity tournament in the heart of the Ruhr area. We look forward to seeing you in February 2025 for a weekend full of Infinity and fun. A new Ruhrpott location with more space and 64 participants awaits you. Here you will find all registration information, tournament information, address, travel information, hotel suggestions and contact options. Update 19.09.2024: We are excited to announce that Furor Teutonicus is one of four official ITS Season 16 satellite tournaments taking place in Germany. Update 12.10.2024: Check your emails for the first round of invitations. If you didn't get a spot, don't lose hope, you are on the waiting list! Players who have already paid will be listed in the OTM
Registration is officially closed, but if you would still like a place on the waiting list, please contact us at the following e-mail address with the subject: late registration furorteutonicusmail@gmail.com
Tournament information:
Ruleset: ITS16.2, 300 points, 6 SWC, 5 rounds Two Infinity Army conform lists must be submitted to OTM by 17.02.2025! We will use the Rules Clarifications used in the Infinity Global League. Find it here!
Saturday | 22.02.2025 |
08:30 | Terrain Setup & Check In |
10:00 | Briefing Day 1 |
10:10 | Round 1: Capture & Protect |
12:30 | Lunch Break |
13:30 | Round 2: Unmasking |
15:50 | Break |
16:10 | Round 3: Countermeasures |
18:30 | End Round 3 |
18:45 | Evening Program |
Sunday | 23.02.2025 |
08:00 | Coffee Warmup |
08:30 | Infinity Yoga |
09:00 | Briefing Day 2 |
09:10 | Round 4: Supremacy |
11:30 | Brake |
12:15 | Round 5: Frontline |
14:35 | End Round 5 |
15:15 | End Ceremony |
Contact: furorteutonicusmail@gmail.com